13th S.O.A.G

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13th S.O.A.G
13th S.O.A.G
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Squadren Register.

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Squadren Register. Empty Squadren Register.

Post by XxDragoNxX Mon Aug 10, 2009 7:07 am

This is are offical Squadren register listing ranks and players that we have currentlly in are clan.


Rank & File:

Private: - Рядовой - Ryadovoy.

Old man
Sgt Rook

Senior Private: - Ефрейтор - Yefreytor.

Junior Sergeant: - Младший сержант - Mladshy serzhant.

Sergeant: - Сержант - Serzhant.


Senior Sergeant: - Старший сержант - Starshy serzhant.

Master Sergeant: - Старшина - Starshina.

Flee - Server Admin

Commissioned Officers:

Warrant officer: - Старший прапорщик - Praporshchik.

Senoir Warrant Officer: - Старший прапорщик - Starshy praporshchik.

Junior Lieutenant: - Младший лейтенант - Mladshy leytenant.

Lieutenant: - Лейтенант - Leytenant.

Senior Lieutenant: - Старший лейтенант - Starshy leytenant.

Captain: - Капитан - Kapitan.

Mad - Server admin

Major: - Майор - Mayor.

RougeTrooper - Server Admin


If i missed anyone off of this list please letme now to add you, this in theroy should keep us a little more organised as we have grown at quite a large speed, But the people we have gained are second to non.


Posts : 11
Reputation : 0
Join date : 2009-07-30
Age : 32
Location : Hexham, North East UK

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